Looking to give your character a more edgy vibe? This black leather jacket adds both style and attitude, while preserving a sleek silhouette. By applying the right shading techniques and realistic creases, you can capture the jacket’s unique texture and natural folds—bringing a cool, confident energy to your illustration.
캐릭터에게 보다 시크한 매력을 더하고 싶다면, 검은색 가죽 재킷을 활용해보세요. 깔끔한 실루엣과 패셔너블한 감각을 모두 잡을 수 있답니다. 올바른 명암 표현과 주름 묘사를 통해 가죽 특유의 텍스처와 자연스러운 주름을 살려보면, 그림 전체에 멋스럽고 자신감 넘치는 분위기가 살아날 거예요.
*Unlike the time-lapse versions provided by EVAN LEE's Patreon subscription service, this product exclusively offers slower-paced drawing process videos, allowing you to observe every stroke in detail clearly. Additionally, it includes bilingual (Chinese and English) multi-step breakdown illustrations!
*不同於EVAN LEE的Patreon訂閱服務所提供的縮時版本,本商品獨家提供的較慢速的作畫過程影片,能夠清晰看懂每一筆的過程喔~另外還有附上中英雙語的多步驟分解圖!
This product includes the following items: Full Record(lower speed+high speed)+PSD+HQ JPG+Step by Step Tutorial(JPG)