This product demonstrates how to draw hooded clothing. Some people might struggle with handling structures similar to cloaks, especially the parts where fabric compression occurs at the junction between the hood and the top due to applied pressure. Just follow the steps shown in this demonstration, and you’ll find that drawing it isn’t difficult at all! ^^
이 제품은 후드가 있는 옷을 그리는 방법을 시연합니다. 특히 후드와 상의의 경계에서 압력으로 인해 천이 눌리는 효과를 처리하는 방법에 대해 어려움을 느끼는 분들이 있을 수 있습니다. 이번 시연 과정을 따라 하시면, 사실 그리는 것이 전혀 어렵지 않다는 것을 알게 될 거예요! ^^
*Unlike the time-lapse versions provided by EVAN LEE's Patreon subscription service, this product exclusively offers slower-paced drawing process videos, allowing you to observe every stroke in detail clearly. Additionally, it includes bilingual (Chinese and English) multi-step breakdown illustrations!
*不同於EVAN LEE的Patreon訂閱服務所提供的縮時版本,本商品獨家提供的較慢速的作畫過程影片,能夠清晰看懂每一筆的過程喔~另外還有附上中英雙語的多步驟分解圖!
This product includes the following items: Full Record(lower speed+high speed)+PSD+HQ JPG+Step by Step Tutorial(JPG)